Bing Bang Profits Review
Posted on lunes, enero 21st, 2019. - Filed under
Bing Bang Profits Review – Cheap Traffic Without Competing With The ‘Big Boys’ on Google & Facebook?

Name: Bing Bang Profits
Product Owner:D-papa AKA Demetris Papadopoulos & Alek Krulik
Website: Click Here
Price: $47
In a nutshell, what is Bing Bang Profits?
Bing Bang Profits is a software platform that generates proven-to-convert Bing Ads on the fly. All you have to do is pick your niche, load it up with your keywords, and then it creates multiple adverts which you can push directly through to your Bing Ads account.
Who is Bing Bang Profits for?
Bing Bang Profits is for anyone who needs more eyeballs on their products, services or affiliate offers… but are finding it difficult (and expensive) competing for keywords with large corporations on Google or Facebook. Some of the people who can benefit from Bing Bang Ads are:
- Affiliate marketers
- Online product owners
- Email marketers
- Offline businesses
- Social media marketers
- Local marketers
3 things I love about Bing Bang Profits:
- I love how Bing Bang Profits gives ‘the little guy’ a chance! Look, most of us know that Google gets over 70% of all online searches. But the fact that it has such a massive reach also means that big businesses (with big pockets) happily throw tens of thousands a month at Google to rank for their keywords. And Facebook is not far behind Google. What small online and offline business owners don’t realize is, Bing gets just under 30% of searches, which may sound small. But think about it. Does it make sense to be a little fish in a big pond, unable to compete with the larger fish taking all the food? Or does it make sense to become a big fish in a little pond?
- Bing Bang Profits auto-generates converting ads, and then automatically pushes them to your Bing Ads account. Creating ads yourself is time-consuming and, if you’ve never created ads before, there’s a good chance you’ll make mistakes and your ads won’t convert into sales. Off course you can hire someone on somewhere like Upwork to do it for you, but that’s costly, and you’ll have to pay again and again each time you want a new ad. Instead, you can save yourself time and money by getting Bing Bang Profits software for a one-time fee, and create unlimited ads.
- The software creators have done their best to leave no stone unturned. Instead of just offering the software, they’ve also included comprehensive training and case studies. This is great as many people, even experienced marketers, may have never realized the potential of Bing Ads, and therefore don’t know how to get the best from this platform. The training allows anyone to build up a lucrative income from scratch, and scale up quickly.
What will I get inside Bing Bang Profits?
- Bing Bang Ads Software – Bing Ads in just 3 easy steps
- Choose your niche
- Auto-create multiple highly optimized ads
- Push ads through to your Bing Ads Account
- Competition Spy & Keyword Scraper Tool – A great way to see what your competitors, are doing, what keywords are working for them, and then ‘scrape’ the keywords into your own ad campaigns.
- Complete Bing Ads Training To Generate a Massive Income From Scratch
- Real Life Case Studies Of Marketers Using Bing Bang Ads Software
Any drawbacks to Bing Bang Profits?
The only drawback I could see is that it would have been nice if this software could also push ads to Google (and/or Facebook). Experienced marketers may already be using Google and Facebook ads, and Bing Bang Ads Software would then become the ultimate ad generating platform. But I don’t believe I can really criticize the software creators here. After all, this product is called Bing Bang, so it makes sense why they’ve been very specific about this software and training being centered on Bind Ads. And focusing on one platform means it’s much easier for newbies to grasp.
Do I get any bonuses with Bing Bang Profits?
Yes, there are 3 bonuses in total.
- Change Your Affiliate Tactics – a report that ‘debunks’ all the old way ways of doing affiliate marketing which no longer work. Here you will learn sure-fire new tactics for affiliate marketing success in today’s world.
- Super Affiliate Shortcuts – a report that lists the exact shortcuts super affiliates take to generate 6 figure incomes.
- Landing Pages 101 – a report on all the landing page hacks you can use that grab people’s attention, as well as how to create landing pages without any tech skills whatsoever.
Final thoughts on Bing Bang Profits:
This is a real fresh take on paid ads for generating traffic. We’re always told that Google and Facebook are the places to go… and this is true. Between them, they have the lion’s share of the audience. However, this means that smaller marketers and businesses are competing with massive global brands, which means we’re often left with just the scraps.
Bing Bang Profits allows us to tap into the overlooked Bing search engine, where we can still get highly targeted traffic, but without the costs of competing with the ‘big boys.’ And with comprehensive training and real life case studies, you have everything you need to get started, even if you’ve never searched for a thing on Bing before today.